Browsing by Author Berka, Miroslav

Showing results 1 to 1 of 1
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jun-2022Interaction With Fungi Promotes the Accumulation of Specific Defense Molecules in Orchid Tubers and May Increase the Value of Tubers for Biotechnological and Medicinal Applications: the Case Study of Interaction Between Dactylorhiza Sp. and Tulasnella CalosporaHampejsová, Romana; Berka, Miroslav; Berková, Veronika; Jersáková, Jana; Domkářová, Jaroslava; von Rundstedt, Friederike; Frary, Anne ; Saiz-Fernández, Iñigo; Brzobohatý, Břetislav; Černý, Martin