Browsing by Author Berk, Berkay

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Effect of Partial Replacement of Sucrose With Stevia and Sucralose on the Physicochemical and Structural-Mechanical Properties of Apple MarmaladeBerk, Berkay; Şirin, Pınar; Ünlütürk, Sevcan 
2024The Effect of Starch Types on Extensional, Linear and Nonlinear Rheological Properties of Starch Cracker DoughBerk, Berkay; Cankal, Yadigar Seyfi; Koroglu, Ebru; Yorulmaz, Hilal; Cavdaroglu, Elif; Unluturk, Sevcan 
Nov-2021Use of Magic Sandwich Echo and Fast Field Cycling Nmr Relaxometry on Honey Adulteration With Corn SyrupBerk, Berkay; Çavdaroğlu, Çağrı ; Grunin, Leonid; Ardelean, Ioan; Kruk, Danuta; Mazı, Bekir G.; Öztop, Halil Mecit
2025Utilization of Black Cumin (nigella Sativa L.) Cake Proteins as a Sustainable Food Ingredient: a Comparative Study With Commercial Proteins for Antioxidant, Techno-Functional and Vegan Cheese PropertiesCavdaroglu, Elif; Kayi, Hilal; Budak, Yaren Buse; Berk, Berkay; Yemenicioglu, Ahmet