Browsing by Author Arda, Müşerref

Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jul-2018Effect of Operational Conditions on Separation of Lithium From Geothermal Water by ?-Mno2 Using Ion Exchange–membrane Filtration Hybrid ProcessRecepoğlu, Yaşar Kemal ; Kabay, Nalan; Yoshizuka, Kazuharu; Nishihama, Syouhei; Yılmaz İpek, İdil; Arda, Müşerref; Yüksel, Mithat
Jul-2018Packed Bed Column Dynamic Study for Boron Removal From Geothermal Brine by a Chelating Fiber and Breakthrough Curve Analysis by Using Mathematical ModelsRecepoğlu, Yaşar Kemal ; Kabay, Nalan; Yılmaz İpek, İdil; Arda, Müşerref; Yüksel, Mithat; Yoshizuka, Kazuharu; Nishihama, Syouhei