Browsing by Author İnce, Umut
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2005 | A Case Study of Material Testing for Corrosion in Low Temperature Geothermal Systems | İnce, Umut |
2021 | An Experimental and Comparative Study of the Self-Loosening of Bolted-Joints Under Cyclic Transverse Loading | İnce, Umut; Güden, Mustafa |
20-Feb-2013 | An Iterative Numerical Method for Determination of Temperature-Dependent Friction Coefficients in Thermomechanical Model Analysis of Cold Bolt Forging | İnce, Umut; Güden, Mustafa |
2004 | Izmir-balçova Jeotermal Doğrudan Isıtma Sisteminde Kullanılan St-37 Karbon Çelik Malzemesinin Değişik Akışkan Hızlarındaki Korozyon Davranışı ve Mekanik Özelliklerindeki Değişimler | İnce, Umut; Toksoy, Macit ; Güden, Mustafa |
May-2008 | Testing Corrosion Rates on Steel Piping in Geothermal District Heating | İnce, Umut; Toksoy, Macit ; Güden, Mustafa |