Browsing by Author Şakar Deliormanlı, Aylin Müyesser

Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Mar-2008Adsorption of Anionic Polyelectrolyte and Comb Polymers Onto Lead Magnesium NiobateŞakar-Deliormanlı, Aylin ; Çelik, Erdal; Polat, Mehmet 
Sep-2004Alumina/Water Suspensions in the Presence of Peo-Ppo Triblock CopolymersŞakar Deliormanlı, Aylin ; Polat, Hürriyet ; Çiftçioğlu, Muhsin 
Feb-2004Effect of Calcium Hydroxide on Slip Casting BehaviourŞakar Deliormanlı, Aylin ; Yayla, Zeliha
2007Effect of Colloidal Interactions in the Forming of Lead Magnesium Niobate CeramicsDeliormanlı, Aylin Müyesser 
Dec-2001Effect of Peo/Ppo Type Triblock Copolymers on Dispersion Behaviour of Aqueous Alumina SuspensionsŞakar, Aylin M. ; Polat, Hürriyet ; Çiftçioğlu, Muhsin 
2004Effects of Mechanical Treatment on the Formation of Α-Al 2o3 From GibbsiteŞakar Deliormanlı, Aylin ; Çiftçioğlu, Muhsin ; Polat, Hürriyet 
2009Influence of Dispersing Agents on the Solubility of Perovskites in WaterŞakar-Deliormanlı, Aylin ; Çelik, Erdal; Polat, Mehmet 
Jan-2005Influence of Microstructure on the Rheological Behavior of Dense Particle GelsWyss, Hans M.; Deliormanlı, Aylin M. ; Tervoort, Elena V.; Gauckler, Ludwig Julius
Jan-2010Interaction of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate With Poly(ethyleneimine) in Bulk Solution and at the Air-Solution InterfaceŞakar-Deliormanlı, Aylin 
Oct-2007The Isoelectric Point of Lead Magnesium NiobateDeliormanlı, Aylin M. ; Çelik, Erdal; Polat, Mehmet 
Oct-2005Microhardness and Fracture Toughness of Dental Materials by Indentation MethodŞakar-Deliormanlı, Aylin ; Güden, Mustafa 
Jun-2008Phase Formation and Microstructure of Nd +3 Doped Pb(mg 1/3nb 2/3)o 3 Prepared by Sol-Gel MethodŞakar-Deliormanlı, Aylin ; Çelik, Erdal; Polat, Mehmet 
2000Preparation and Characterization of Alumina Powders and SuspensionsŞakar, Aylin M. 
Jan-2009Preparation of the Pb(mg1/3nb2 Films by Aqueous Tape CastingŞakar-Deliormanlı, Aylin ; Çelik, Erdal; Polat, Mehmet 
Jul-2008Rheological Behavior of Pmn Gels for Solid Freeform FabricationŞakar Deliormanlı, Aylin ; Çelik, Erdal; Polat, Mehmet 
Jan-2009Solubility and Aging of Lead Magnesium Niobate in WaterŞakar-Deliormanlı, Aylin ; Çelik, Erdal; Polat, Mehmet 
2007Synergistic Effect of Polymer-Surfactant Mixtures on the Stability of Aqueous Silica SuspensionsŞakar-Deliormanlı, Aylin 
Dec-2008Thermal Analysis and Microstructural Characterization of Ceramic Green Tapes Prepared by Aqueous Tape CastingŞakar-Deliormanlı, Aylin ; Çelik, Erdal; Polat, Mehmet