Browsing by Author Neslitürk, Ali İhsan

Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Akışkan-yapı etkileşimi problemlerinde birleşik sayısal/asimtotik algoritmalar: baraj yıkımı ile oluşan akış ve diğer uygulamalarKorobkin, Alexander; Iafrati, Alessandro; Yılmaz, Oğuz ; Neslitürk, Ali İhsan ; Çiçek, Barış ; Kaya, Adem; Isıdıcı, Damla
Mar-2012Applications of the Pseudo Residual-Free Bubbles To the Stabilization of Convection-Diffusion ProblemsŞendur, Ali; Neslitürk, Ali İhsan 
Aug-2014Applications of the Pseudo Residual-Free Bubbles To the Stabilization of the Convection-Diffusion Problems in 2dŞendur, Ali; Neslitürk, Ali İhsan ; Kaya, Adem
20-Nov-2016Bubble-Based Stabilized Finite Element Methods for Time-Dependent Convection–diffusion–reaction ProblemsŞendur, Ali; Neslitürk, Ali İhsan 
Mar-2005The Finite Element Method for Mhd Flow at High Hartmann NumbersNeslitürk, Ali İhsan ; Tezer, Münevver
Aug-2006Finite Element Method Solution of Electrically Driven Magnetohydrodynamic FlowNeslitürk, Ali İhsan ; Tezer, Münevver
2012A Fully Discrete ?-Uniform Method for Convection-Diffusion Problem on Equidistant MeshesFiliz, Ali; Neslitürk, Ali İhsan ; Ekici, Mehmet
Jan-2012A Fully Discrete ?-Uniform Method for Singular Perturbation Problems on Equidistant MeshesFiliz, Ali; Neslitürk, Ali ; Şendur, Ali
Jun-2003The Nearly-Optimal Petrov-Galerkin Method for Convection-Diffusion ProblemsNeslitürk, Ali İhsan ; Harari, Isaac
Jun-2010On the Choice of Stabilizing Sub-Grid for Convection-Diffusion Problem on Rectangular GridsNeslitürk, Ali İhsan 
2005On the Stability of the Residual-Free Bubbles for the Navier-Stokes EquationsNeslitürk, Ali İhsan 
2013Pseudo-Multi Functions for the Stabilization of Convection-Diffusion Equations on Rectangular GridsNeslitürk, Ali İhsan ; Baysal, Onur
2010Solution of Navier-Stokes Equations Using Fem With Stabilizing SubgridTezer-Sezgin, M.; Aydin, S. Han; Neslitürk, Ali İhsan 
Feb-2006A Stabilizing Subgrid for Convection-Diffusion ProblemNeslitürk, Ali İhsan 
Jan-2010Two-Level Finite Element Method With a Stabilizing Subgrid for the Incompressible Mhd EquationsAydın, Selçuk Han; Neslitürk, Ali İhsan ; Tezer Sezgin, Münevver
20-Oct-2008Two-Level Finite Element Method With a Stabilizing Subgrid for the Incompressible Navier-Stokes EquationsNeslitürk, Ali İhsan ; Aydın, Selçuk Han; Tezer, Münevver