Browsing by Author Diker, Halide

Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Contribution of O-2 Plasma Treatment and Amine Modified Gos on Film Properties of Conductive Pedot:pss: Application in Indium Tin Oxide Free Solution Processed Blue OledDiker, Halide ; Yeşil, Fatih; Varlıklı, Canan 
Apr-2017Controlling the Distribution of Oxygen Functionalities on Go and Utilization of Pedot:pss-Go Composite as Hole Injection Layer of a Solution Processed Blue OledDiker, Halide ; Durmaz, Gamze Belkis; Bozkurt, Hakan; Yeşil, Fatih; Varlıklı, Canan 
2024Copper and Nickel Complexes Based on 4-((4 Diazenyl)-3 Synthesis, Characterization, X-Ray Studies, Dft Calculations, Molecular Docking and Antimicrobial ActivityAmin, Mina A.; Diker, Halide ; Sahin, Onur; Varlikli, Canan ; Soliman, Ahmed A.
2020Dispersion Stability of Amine Modified Graphene Oxides and Their Utilization in Solution Processed Blue OledDiker, Halide ; Bozkurt, Hakan; Varlıklı, Canan 
2020Enhanced Capacitive Behaviour of Graphene Based Electrochemical Double Layer Capacitors by Etheric Substitution on Ionic LiquidsSiyahjani, Shirin; Öner, Saliha; Diker, Halide ; Gültekin, Burak; Varlıklı, Canan 
2020Enhancing the Efficiency of Mixed Halide Mesoporous Perovskite Solar Cells by Introducing Amine Modified Graphene Oxide Buffer LayerŞahin, Çiğdem; Diker, Halide ; Sygkridou, Dimitra; Varlıklı, Canan ; Stathatos, Elias
2019Fabrication and Characterization of a Solution Processed Flexible Thermal Sensor by Using Chemically Synthesized Go and RgoBozkurt, Hakan; Diker, Halide ; Varlıklı, Canan 
2024Improving the Device Stability by Controlling the Morphology of Quantum Dot Emissive Layer Via a Coating Process in Blue QledsDiker, Halide ; Ozguler, Sahika; Unluturk, Secil Sevim; Ozcelik, Serdar ; Varlikli, Canan 
2024Improving the Stability of Ink-Jet Printed Red Qleds by Optimizing the Device Fabrication ProcessDiker, Halide ; Unluturk, Secil Sevim; Ozcelik, Serdar ; Varlikli, Canan 
2024Improving the Stability of Ink-Jet Printed Red Qleds by Optimizing the Device Fabrication ProcessDiker, Halide ; Unluturk, Secil Sevim; Ozcelik, Serdar ; Varlikli, Canan 
2022Photocatalytic Activity of Dye-Sensitized and Non-Sensitized Go-Tio2 Nanocomposites Under Simulated and Direct Sunlightİlhan, Hatice; Durmaz Çaycı, Gamze Belkis; Aksoy, Erkan; Diker, Halide ; Varlıklı, Canan 
2020Reducing the Efficiency Roll Off and Applied Potential-Induced Color Shifts in Cdse@zns/Zns-based Light-Emitting DiodesÖzgüler, Şahika; Diker, Halide ; Ünlütürk, Seçil Sevim; Özçelik, Serdar ; Varlıklı, Canan