Browsing by Author Can Traunmüller, Işın

Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Application of Space Syntax in Neighbourhood Park Research: an Investigation of Multiple Socio-Spatial Attributes of Park UseCan Traunmüller, Işın ; İnce Keller, İrem; Şenol, Fatma 
2016The Changing Nature of the Neighborhood and Neighborliness: Urban Spaces of Interaction and Sense of Community, a Case Study of İzmir, TurkeyCan, Işın 
2020Do Perceptions of Neighbourhood Change Match Objective Reality?Durmaz Drinkwater, Sıdıka Bahar; Platt, S.; Can Traunmüller, Işın 
2021An Evaluation of Measuring the Publicness Level of Interiors in Public Building Design: Visual Graph Analysis (vga) ApproachAykutlar, Pelin; Kutucu, Seçkin; Can Traunmüller, Işın 
1-Mar-2016In-Between Spaces and Social Interaction: a Morphological Analysis of Izmir Using Space SyntaxCan, Işın ; Heath, Tim
2022Kültürlerarası karşılaşmaların gönüllüler üzerindeki etkileri: kapsayıcı bir toplum için sosyal sorumlulukUştuk, Ozan ; Can Traunmüller, Işın 
2015Mapping Detroit: Land, Community and Shaping a CityCan, Işın 
2013Morphological Analysis of the Transformations of Konak Square in IzmirCan, Işın ; Çil, Ela ; Yaylalı Yıldız, Berna; Kılıç Çalğıcı, Pınar; Velibeyoğlu, Koray 
2015The Rationale Behind Growth Patterns: Socio-Spatial Configuration of Izmir, Turkey 1700s - 2010Can, Işın ; İnce, İrem; Yamu, Claudia
Mar-2020Represantation of Urban Space in Cinema: a Review of Films in Izmir Between 1950-2016Eyecioğlu, Hilal
2018Transformation in a Housing-Design Story: Reading the Spatial Typologies of Apartment Projects in Hatay-IzmirYaylalı Yıldız, Berna; Ek, Fatma İpek ; Can, Işın 
2007Transformation of Public Space: a Case of Konak Square, IzmirCan, Işın