Browsing by Author Aral, Gürcan

Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Dec-2021Atomic-Scale Investigation of the Effect of Surface Carbon Coatings on the Oxidation and Mechanical Properties of Iron NanowiresAral, Gürcan ; Islam, Md Mahbubul
Apr-2019Atomistic Insights on the Influence of Pre-Oxide Shell Layer and Size on the Compressive Mechanical Properties of Nickel NanowiresAral, Gürcan ; Islam, Md Mahbubul; Wang, Yun-Jiang; Ogata, Shigenobu; van Duin, Adri C. T.
2023Effect of Oxidation on Mechanical Properties of Copper Nanowire: a Reaxff (reactive Force Field) Molecular Dynamics StudyAral, Gürcan ; Islam, Md Mahbubul
7-Oct-2016Effects of Oxidation on Tensile Deformation of Iron Nanowires: Insights From Reactive Molecular Dynamics SimulationsAral, Gürcan ; Wang, Yun-Jiang; Ogata, Shigenobu; Van Duin, Adri C.T.
Jul-2018Efficiency Studies of Cu2znsns2 Thin Film Solar CellMeriç, Ece
Jul-2017Fabrication of Metamaterial Filters for Terahertz Wave Applications by E-Beam PatterningDemirhan, Yasemin 
Oct-2015Indium Tin Oxide (ito) Coating on Cylindricalsurfaces: Electrical and Structural CharacterizationArslan, Halil
2021Investigation of Interactions of Acetylene Molecules With an Iron Nanowire and Its Effects on Mechanical Tensile PropertiesAral, Gürcan 
Dec-2016Ionic Conductivity of Li0.5la0.5ti1-Xalxo3 Electrolytelayer for Thin Film BatteriesUlusoy, Seda
2006Nanoscale Oxide Growth on Al Single Crystals at Low Temperatures: Variable Charge Molecular Dynamics SimulationsHasnaoui, A.; Politano, O.; Salazar, J. M.; Aral, Gürcan 
2010Oxidation of Nanocrystalline Aluminum by Variable Charge Molecular DynamicsPerron, A.; Garruchet, S.; Politano, O.; Aral, Gürcan ; Vignal, V.
2019Oxide Shell Layer Influences on Size-Dependent Tensile and Compressive Mechanical Properties of Iron Nanowires: a Reaxff Molecular Dynamics StudyAral, Gürcan 
2018Oxyhydroxide of Metallic Nanowires in a Molecular H2o and H2o2 Environment and Their Effects on Mechanical PropertiesAral, Gürcan ; İslam, Md Mahbubul; Wang, Yun-Jiang; Ogata, Shigenobu; van Duin, Adri C. T.
2020Reactive Wetting of Metallic/Ceramic (al/Α-al2 O3 ) Systems: a Parallel Molecular Dynamics Simulation StudyAral, Gürcan 
2017Role of Surface Oxidation on the Size Dependent Mechanical Properties of Nickel Nanowires: a Reaxff Molecular Dynamics StudyAral, Gürcan ; Islam, Md Mahbubul; Van Duin, Adri C. T.