Browsing by Author Başaran, Tahsin

Showing results 1 to 20 of 24  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jan-2016Analysing Visual Pattern of Skin Temperature During Submaximal and Maximal ExercisesBalcı, Görkem Aybars; Başaran, Tahsin ; Çolakoğlu, Muzaffer
2017Associations Between Thermal and Physiological Responses of Human Body During ExerciseBaşaran, Tahsin ; Zora, Süleyman; Balcı, Görkem Aybars; Çolakoğlu, Muzaffer
Mar-2022Cephe Yönlenmesinin Tarihi Konutların Enerji Kullanımına Etkileri: Güneybatı Anadolu’da Dış Sofalı KonutlarTimur, Barış Ali ; Başaran, Tahsin ; İpekoğlu, Başak 
2014Çift Cidarlı Cepheler Üzerine Bir Araştırmaİnan, Tuğba; Başaran, Tahsin 
2015Çift cidarlı cephelerin akış ve enerji modellemesi yapılarak performanslarının nicel olarak incelenmesi ve sundukları mimari olanakların nitel sorgulamasıBaşaran, Tahsin ; Erek, Aytunç; Ersoy, Ufuk; İnan, Tuğba; Kutluay, Pınar
2024Estimation of Heat Production Rate Using Thermal Data During Exercise in Indoor Environments: a Study of Heat Storage Rate in Male AthletesBalci, Gorkem Aybars; Avci, Ali Berkay; Colakoglu, Muzaffer; Basaran, Tahsin ; Balcı, Görkem Aybars; Avcı, Ali Berkay ; Çolakoğlu, Muzaffer; Başaran, Tahsin 
2024Estimation of Heat Production Rate Using Thermal Data During Exercise in Indoor Environments: a Study of Heat Storage Rate in Male AthletesBalcı, Görkem Aybars; Avcı, Ali Berkay ; Çolakoğlu, Muzaffer; Başaran, Tahsin 
Sep-2017An Evaluation Methodology Proposal for Building Envelopes Containing Phase Change Materials: the Case of a Flat Roof in Turkey’s Climate ZonesTokuç, Ayça; Yesügey, Sadık Cengiz; Başaran, Tahsin 
2024Exercise and Resting Periods: Thermal Comfort Dynamics in Gym EnvironmentsAvci, Ali Berkay; Balci, Goerkem Aybars; Basaran, Tahsin 
2017Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Forced Convection in a Double Skin Façadeİnan, Tuğba; Başaran, Tahsin ; Erek, Aytunç
May-2019Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Forced Convection in a Double Skin Façade by Using Nodal Network Approach for Istanbulİnan, Tuğba; Başaran, Tahsin 
5-Aug-2016Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Natural Convection in a Double Skin Facadeİnan, Tuğba; Başaran, Tahsin ; Ezan, Mehmet Akif
4-Jun-2015An Experimental and Numerical Investigation on the Use of Phase Change Materials in Building Elements: the Case of a Flat Roof in IstanbulTokuç, Ayça; Başaran, Tahsin ; Yesügey, Sadık Cengiz
Dec-2015Experimental Data Showing the Thermal Behavior of a Flat Roof With Phase Change MaterialTokuç, Ayça; Başaran, Tahsin ; Yesügey, Sadık Cengiz
2020Experimental Investigation of a Decentralized Heat Recovery Ventilation SystemPekdoğan, Tuğçe ; Tokuç, Ayça; Ezan, Mehmet Akif; Başaran, Tahsin 
Dec-2016Experimental Investigation of the Pressure Loss Through a Double Skin Facade by Using Perforated PlatesBaşaran, Tahsin ; İnan, Tuğba
2020A Full 3(4) Factorial Experimental Design for the Low Energy Building's External WallPekdoğan, Tuğçe ; Akkurt, Sedat ; Başaran, Tahsin 
2023On-Site Measurements of Temperature and Humidity Conditions for the Comparison of Urban and Rural Sub-Spaces of Traditional Settlements: Historical City of Mugla, TurkeyTimur, Barış Ali ; Başaran, Tahsin ; İpekoğlu, Başak 
Jan-2024Optimizing Thermal Comfort in Physical Exercise Spaces: a Study of Spatial and Thermal FactorsAvcı, Ali Berkay ; Balcı, Görkem Aybars; Başaran, Tahsin 
2013Renovating a Lecture Hall With a Glass Roof: a Case Study of Performance Based DesignAtça, Emre; İlal, Mustafa Emre ; Başaran, Tahsin ; Kazanasmaz, Zehra Tuğçe ; Durmuş Arsan, Zeynep