Browsing by Author Aktaş, Engin

Showing results 1 to 20 of 42  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Analysis of Adhesively Bonded Joints of Laser Surface Treated Composite Primary Components of Aircraft StructuresMartin, Seçkin; Nuhoğlu, Kaan; Aktaş, Engin ; Tanoğlu, Metin ; İplikçi, Hande; Barışık, Murat ; Yeke, Melisa; Türkdoğan, Ceren; Esenoğlu, Gözde ; Dehneliler, Serkan
2024Application of Endurance Time Method in Seismic Assessment of Rc Frames Designed by Direct Displacement-Based ProcedureKarimzada, Nisar Ahmad; Shirkhani, Amir; Aktas, Engin 
2006Betonarme Çerçeve Yapıların Olasılıklı Sismik AnaliziKorkmaz, Armağan; Aktaş, Engin 
2020A Case Study on the Selection of Optimum Loop Units for the Deployable Arch Structures Exposed To Lateral and Non-Uniform Gravity LoadsYücetürk, Kutay ; Aktaş, Engin ; Maden, Feray; Gür, Şebnem ; Mitropoulou, C.C.
2023The Challenges and Advantages of Macro Modeling in Ansys Software for Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Historic Masonry StructuresDemir, Hatice Ayşegül; Yücetürk, Kutay ; Aktaş, Engin ; Hamamcıoğlu Turan, Mine 
2021A Comprehensive Study on Burst Pressure Performance of Aluminum Liner for Hydrogen Storage VesselsKangal, Serkan ; Sayı, Abdülmecit Harun; Ayakdaş, Ozan; Kartav, Osman ; Aydın, Levent; Artem, Hatice Seçil ; Aktaş, Engin ; Yücetürk, Kutay ; Tanoğlu, Metin ; Kandemir, Sinan ; Beylergil, Bertan 
Jun-2019Conservation-Aimed Evaluation of a Historical Aqueduct in IzmirMamaklı, Fatma Sezgi; Turan, Mine ; Aktaş, Engin ; Vardaroğlu, Mustafa
2022Consolidation of a Bath Ruin in an Archaeological SiteDurmuşlar, Feyza; Turan, Mine ; Yücetürk, Kutay ; Aktaş, Engin 
Jun-2019Construction Techniques of Hayat Houses: Two Case Studies in the Vicinity of IzmirTuran, Mine ; Aktaş, Engin ; Mamaklı, Fatma Sezgi; Kaplan, Zişan
2018Developing Polymer Composite-Based Leaf Spring Systems for Automotive IndustryÖztoprak, Nahit; Güneş, Mehmet Deniz; Tanoğlu, Metin ; Aktaş, Engin ; Eğilmez, Oğuz Özgür ; Şenocak, Çiler; Kulaç, Gediz
2021Development and Analysis of Composite Overwrapped Pressure Vessels for Hydrogen StorageKartav, Osman ; Kangal, Serkan ; Yücetürk, Kutay ; Tanoğlu, Metin ; Aktaş, Engin ; Artem, Hatice Seçil 
2019Development of Composite Drive Shaft Tube for Automotive IndustryArslan Özgen, Gizem; Tanoğlu, Metin ; Aktaş, Engin ; Yücetürk, Kutay 
Jun-2018Effect of Polyamide-6,6 (pa 66) Nonwoven Veils on the Mechanical Performance of Carbon Fiber/Epoxy CompositesBeylergil, Bertan ; Tanoğlu, Metin ; Aktaş, Engin 
Aug-2023Effects of Nanosecond Laser Ablation Parameters on Surface Modification of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer CompositesMartin, Seçkin; İplikçi, Hande; Barışık, Murat ; Türkdoğan, Ceren; Yeke, Melisa; Nuhoğlu, Kaan; Esenoğlu, Gözde ; Tanoğlu, Metin ; Aktaş, Engin ; Dehneliler, Serkan; İriş, Mehmet Erdem
Sep-2017Enhancement of Interlaminar Fracture Toughness of Carbon Fiber–epoxy Composites Using Polyamide-6,6 Electrospun NanofibersBeylergil, Bertan ; Tanoğlu, Metin ; Aktaş, Engin 
2012Estimation of Mechanical Properties of Limestone Using Regression Analyses and AnnTeomete, Egemen; Tayfur, Gökmen ; Aktaş, Engin 
Nov-2020Experimental and Statistical Analysis of Carbon Fiber/Epoxy Composites Interleaved With Nylon 6,6 Nonwoven Fabric InterlayersBeylergil, Bertan ; Tanoğlu, Metin ; Aktaş, Engin 
2020Helenistik Kulelerde Yanal Yüke İlişkin Düzlem İçi ve Düzlem Dışı Duvar Davranışının Duvar Profilleri ve Açıklık Düzenlerine Bağlı Olarak İncelenmesiGençer, Funda; Turan, Mine ; Aktaş, Engin 
2022Improving Adhesive Behavior of Fiber Reinforced Composites by Incorporating Electrospun Polyamide-6,6 Nanofibers in Joining RegionEsenoğlu, Gözde ; Barışık, Murat ; Tanoğlu, Metin ; Yeke, Melisa; Türkdoğan, Ceren; İplikçi, Hande; Martin, Seçkin; Nuhoğlu, Kaan; Aktaş, Engin ; Dehneliler, Serkan
Jul-2009The Influence of Low Energy Impacts on the Static and Dynamic Response of a Foam Core Composite WingAktaş, Engin ; Seaver, Mark; Nichols, Jonathan M.; Trickey, Stephen T.; Davis, W. R.