Browsing by Subject Luminescence

Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Control of the Particle Size and Purity of Nano Zinc OxideÖzmıhçı Ömürlü, Filiz ; Balköse, Devrim 
2010Control of the Particle Size and Purity of Nano Zinc OxideOmurlu,F.O.; Balköse,D.
2013Developing a Facile 1 Method for Highly Luminescent Colloidal Cdsxse1_x Ternary Nanoalloys†Ünlü, Caner; Ünal Tosun, Gülçin; Sevim, Seçil; Özçelik, Serdar 
Aug-2017The Effect of Thickness of Silver Thin Film on Structural and Optical Properties of Porous SiliconÇetinel, A.; Özdoğan, M.; Utlu, G.; Artunç, N.; Şahin, G.; Tarhan, Enver 
2011Excitonic Luminescence in Spherical Core-Multi Quantum Dot StructuresBacaksız, Cihan
1996Hydrogen Sulfide Determination by Solid Surface LuminescenceEroğlu, Ahmet Emin ; Volkan, Mürvet; Bayramlı, Erdal; Ataman, O. Yavuz; Mark, Harry B.
Dec-2017Investigation of Europium Concentration Dependence on the Luminescent Properties of Borogermanate GlassesGökçe, Melis; Şentürk, Ufuk ; Uslu, Deniz K.; Burgaz, Gözde; Şahin, Yüksel; Gökçe, Aytaç Gürhan
Jan-2017A New Method To Extend the Stress Response of Triboluminescent Crystals by Using Hydrogelsİncel, Anıl; Reddy, Subrayal M.; Demir, Mustafa Muammer 
2014Optical and Surface Properties of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Dried by Conventional and Supercritical Ethanol Drying TechniquesEgbuchunam, Theresa Obuajulu; Yetgin, Senem; Özmıhçı Ömürlü, Filiz ; Balköse, Devrim