Browsing by Subject Low velocity impact

Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Development of the Johnson-Cook Flow Stress and Damage Parameters for the Impact Response of Polycarbonate: Experimental and Numerical ApproachSarıkaya, Mustafa; Güden, Mustafa ; Kambur, Çağdaş; Çankaya Özbek, Sevim; Taşdemirci, Alper 
2023The Impact Response of a Nomex® Honeycomb Core/E-glass Composite Sandwich Structure To Increasing Velocities: Experimental and Numerical AnalysisÇelik, Muhammet; Güden, Mustafa ; Sarıkaya, Mustafa; Taşdemirci, Alper ; Genç, Cem; Ersoy, Kurtuluş; Serin, Özgür