Browsing by Subject Waveguides

Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2000Device length requirement in slab/fiber evanescent couplerDinleyici, Mehmet Salih 
Jul-2017Fluid Properties Measurements Using Planar Quasi-Scholte WaveguidesBostan, Okan
Feb-2018Kahve Laboratory Rf Circulator and Transmission Line ProjectÇetinkaya, Hakan; Çağlar, Aslıhan; Çicek, Cihan; Özbey, Aydın; Sunar, Ezgi; Türemen, Görkem; Yıldız, Hüseyin; Yüncü, Alperen; Özcan, Erkcan; Ünel, Gökhan; Yaman, Fatih 
May-2000On the Splitting Parameter in the Ewald MethodKuştepeli, Alp ; Martin, Anthony Q.
Sep-2017Temperature Dependence of Zero Phonon Line Emission From Defects in Hexagonal Boron Nitride and Design of Photon-Pair SourcePolat, Nahit