Browsing by Subject Water vapor adsorption
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
Nov-2012 | Dehydration, Water Vapor Adsorption and Desorption Behavior of Zn[b3o3(oh)5] · H2o and Zn[b3o4(oh)3] | Alp, Burcu ; Gönen, Mehmet; Atakul Savrık, Sevdiye; Balköse, Devrim ; Ülkü, Semra |
Sep-1998 | Dynamics of Water Vapor Adsorption on Humidity-Indicating Silica Gel | Balköse, Devrim ; Ulutan, Sevgi; Çakıcıoğlu Özkan, Seher Fehime ; Çelebi, Sedat; Ülkü, Semra |
May-2011 | Humidity Sensing Properties of Cds Nanoparticles Synthesized by Chemical Bath Deposition Method | Demir, Ramazan; Okur, Salih ; Şeker, Mavişe; Zor, Muhsin |