Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2022 | 14th of the International Conference on Hydroscience and Engineering, Iche 2022: Proceeding Book | Elçi, Şebnem ; Bombar, Gökçen |
Feb-2017 | Analysis and Assessment of Hydrochemical Characteristics of Maragheh-Bonab Plain Aquifer, Northwest of Iran | Fijani, Elham; Moghaddam, Asghar A.; Tsai, Frank T.-C.; Tayfur, Gökmen |
2010 | Arsenic in Groundwater in Western Anatolia, Turkey: a Review | Gündüz, Orhan ; Baba, Alper ; Elpit, Handan |
2005 | Assessmanet of Exposure and Risk Associated With Trihalomethanes and Other Volatile Organic Compounds in Drinking Water | Kavcar, Pınar |
2017 | Assessment of Water Quality Related To Lead/Zinc Mines in Umurbey Dam Basin, Northwestern Turkey | Şanlıyüksel Yücel, Deniz; Baba, Alper |
2022 | Design of an Artificial Destratification System To Control Cyanobacteria Growth in Reservoirs | Hazar, O.; Bahadıroğlu, N.; Karakaya, D.; Elçi, Ş. |
Jan-2023 | Destratification of Thermally Stratified Water Columns by Air Diffusers | Elçi, Şebnem ; Hazar, Oğuz; Bahadıroğlu, Nisa ; Karakaya, Derya; Bor, Aslı |
2018 | Determining Water and Sediment Quality Related To Lead-Zinc Mining Activity | Şanlıyüksel Yücel, Deniz; Baba, Alper |
Apr-2010 | Effect of Alteration Zones on Water Quality: a Case Study From Biga Peninsula, Turkey | Baba, Alper ; Gündüz, Orhan |
Jan-2017 | Effect of Geogenic Factors on Water Quality and Its Relation To Human Health Around Mount Ida, Turkey | Baba, Alper ; Gündüz, Orhan |
2017 | Effect of Urbanization on Groundwater Resources of Izmir City | Baba, Alper ; Yazdani, Hamidreza |
2013 | Effects of Basin Activities and Land Use on Water Quality Trends in Tahtali Basin, Turkey | Elçi, Şebnem ; Selçuk, Pelin |
Dec-2019 | Effects of Oxygenation in Stratified Reservoirs on Concetrations of Manganese and Iron in Bottom Sediments | Vural Aydın, Buse |
Aug-2008 | Effects of Thermal Stratification and Mixing on Reservoir Water Quality | Elçi, Şebnem |
2021 | An Experimental Study on Release Mechanism of Iron and Manganese From Sediments To the Water Column in Reservoirs | Vural,B.; Elçi,Ş.; Ökten,H.E. |
Apr-2013 | Geochemical Characterization of Acid Mine Lakes in Northwest Turkey and Their Effect on the Environment | Şanlıyüksel Yücel, Deniz; Baba, Alper |
Nov-2013 | How Do Contaminated Reservoir Bottom Sediments Affect Water Quality? an Assessment Using Swim Model | Elçi, Şebnem ; Şimşek, Sinem Elif |
2014 | Hydrogeochemical Characteristics of Acidic Water Sources Around Can Region, Biga Peninsula, Nw Turkey | Şanlıyüksel Yücel, Deniz; Baba, Alper |
2012 | An Integrated Assessment of Water Quality in an Arsenic Containing Aquifer: Milestones From Hydrogeology To Public Health | Gündüz, Orhan ; Şimşek, Celalettin; Elçi, Alper; Baba, Alper ; Bakar, Çoşkun; Gürleyük, Hakan; Çakır, A.; Mutlu, Merdiye |
2009 | Investigation of Effects of Land Use Changes in Tahtalı River Basin on Water Quality | Selçuk, Pelin |
Jul-2021 | Surface Water Quality Modeling for Best Management Practices - a Case Study From Bakırçay River Basin | Kazancı, Yiğithan |
2023 | Sustainability of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene: From Prehistoric Times To the Present Times and the Future | Angelakis, Andreas N.; Capodaglio, Andrea G.; Passchier, Cees W.; Valipour, Mohammad; Krasilnikoff, Jens; Tzanakakis, Vasileios A.; Suermelihindi, Guel; Baba, Alper |
2016 | Tracing the Relative Distribution of Arsenic Species in Groundwater and Its Association With Soil Arsenic Levels in the Simav Graben Area, Turkey | Gündüz, Orhan ; Şimşek, Celalettin; Elçi, Alper; Baba, Alper ; Gürleyük, Hakan |