Browsing by Author Nalçakan, Yağız

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jul-2023Classification of Maneuvers of Vehicles in Front for Driver Assistance SystemsNalçakan, Yağız 
2023Cut-In Maneuver Detection With Self-Supervised Contrastive Video Representation LearningNalçakan, Yağız ; Baştanlar, Yalın 
2023Monocular Vision-Based Prediction of Cut-In Manoeuvres With Lstm NetworksNalçakan, Yağız ; Baştanlar, Yalın 
2022A Novel Feature To Predict Buggy Changes in a Software SystemYılmaz, Rahime; Nalçakan, Yağız ; Haktanır, Elif