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Organization name
03.04. Department of Computer Engineering
Founded in 1992, our department has been dedicated to expanding and sharing knowledge, producing a line of highly skilled engineers, and inspiring innovation

Department of Computer Engineering was founded in 1992 together with the Izmir Institute of Technology and started to admit students for the Master of Science Program. In 1999, the Department moved to the new campus in Gülbahçe-Urla and the undergraduate program commenced in the same year. Computer Engineering Doctorate Program started in 2014. Currently, the number of students admitted to the undergraduate program is 80. The Department of Computer Engineering offers a wide range of selective courses in its curriculum which enables the students to specialize in different areas of computer science and engineering.

Our mission is to create a learning environment where academic research activities and projects are carried out in collaboration with the industry. In this atmosphere we aim to train researchers and engineers who are competent in the discipline, have proficiency in problem solving as well as good communication and organizational skills, committed to life-long learning and ethical values and sensitive to social issues.

For further information, refer to https://ceng.iyte.edu.tr