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Organization name
04.03. Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics
Parent OrgUnit
The Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics (MBG) was established in 1998 as one of the four departments of the School of Science at İzmir Institute of Technology. The mission of MBG is (1) to conduct life sciences research with focus on the molecular and genetic details of critical life events such as metabolism, mutation, transformation, immunity, development, aging, and disease; (2) to offer the best possible education and practical training in molecular and genetic aspects of life sciences.

MBG offers both undergraduate (BSc) and graduate (MSc & PhD) programs. A variety of courses are offered at both levels by MBG faculty and supporting faculty from other departments in order to cover a broad area of specialties related to molecular biology and genetics. Cutting edge research activities are central to graduate education and also considered as an indispensable part of educational activities at undergraduate level. Research opportunities exist in a variety of areas including plant genetics, animal genetics, cancer biology, immunology, bioinformatics, biochemistry, structural biology, microbiology, biotechnology, and developmental biology. The diverse areas of research are not conducted independently; there is a great synergy between closely and distantly related areas opening new research and study opportunities for students and faculty.

MBG leads the Institute in the number of extramurally funded projects and the total amount of research funding. Currently, MBG faculty members receive over 20 research grants from TÜBİTAK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey), five from international agencies such as European COST (Cooperation in Science and Technology), and ten from various ministries of the government. Faculty members also attract funding from agricultural and pharmaceutical industries. In the last few years, MBG faculty members have won over ten international and national research awards from organizations such as Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA) and World Economic Forum, and Installation Grants from European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) and European Commission in recognition of successful research activities and potential.

Currently, MBG has 16 faculty members, four specialists, 20 research assistants, and about 40 graduate and 150 undergraduate students. MBG has just moved to its new Turkish lira symbol 8x10px.png20 million building, which houses 25 research laboratories for faculty members (110 m2 each), seven shared laboratories (i.e., hot/cold, dark, and clean rooms), two educational laboratories, six classrooms, an auditorium, office and social interaction areas for faculty and students, and a recently accredited animal facility. MBG is well equipped with research facilities to carry out research in above-mentioned areas. Undergraduate, graduate students and faculty members are encouraged to use these facilities in a collaborative environment. All of the faculty members are eager to share their infrastructure with their colleagues to enable efficient and successful execution of research and educational programs.

For further information, refer to https://mbg.iyte.edu.tr/