Browsing by Category Makale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanı

Showing results 5519 to 5538 of 5910 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Dec-2001Temperature Dependence of Gas-Phase Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon and Organochlorine Pesticide Concentrations in Chicago AirSofuoğlu, Aysun ; Odabaşı, Mustafa; Taşdemir, Yücel; Khalili, Nasrin R.; Holsen, Thomas M.
2021Temperature Dependent Electrical and Electrocaloric Properties of Textured 0.72pmn-0.28pt Ceramics*Böbrek, İrem; Berksoy Yavuz, Ayşe; Kaya, M. Yunus; Alkoy, Sedat; Okatan, Mahmut Barış ; Mısırlıoğlu, İbrahim Burç; Mensur Alkoy, Ebru
2004Temperature-Programmed Oxidation of Equilibrium Fluid Catalytic Cracking Catalysts: Effects of Pretreatment on Coke FormationBayraktar, Oğuz ; Kugler, Edwin L.
Mar-2004Temperature-Programmed Reduction of Metal-Contaminated Fluid Catalytic Cracking (fcc) CatalystsBayraktar, Oğuz ; Kugler, Edwin L.
2025Temporal Electroencephalography Features Unveiled Via Olfactory Stimulus as Biomarkers for Mild Alzheimer's DiseaseOlcay, B.O.; Pehlivan, M.; Karaçalı, B. 
2002Tensile Adhesion of Type I Collagen To Titanium Alloy and Calcium Phosphate Coated Surfaces With Different Roughness ValuesÖzerdem, Barış 
Oct-2009Tensile Mechanical Behavior and Fracture Toughness of Mwcnt and Dwcnt Modified Vinyl-ester/Polyester Hybrid Nanocomposites Produced by 3-Roll MillingSeyhan, Abdullah Tuğrul; Tanoğlu, Metin ; Schulte, Karl
2009Terahertz Wave Emission From Intrinsic Josephson Junctions in High- Tc SuperconductorsÖzyüzer, Lütfi ; Şimşek, Yılmaz; Köseoğlu, Hasan; Türkoğlu, Fulya; Kurter, Cihan; Welp, U.; Koshelev, A. E.; Gray, Kenneth E.; Kwok, W. K.; Yamamoto, T.; Kadowaki, K.; Koval, Yu I.; Wang, Huabing; Müller, Paul H.
Aug-2023Terahertz Wavefront Engineering Using a Hard-Coded MetasurfaceNoori, Aileen; Akyürek, Bora; Demirhan, Yasemin ; Özyüzer, Lütfi ; Güven, Kaan; Altan, Hakan; Aygün, Gülnur 
2016Tesadüf Mü Kozmik Denge Mi?Gürdal, Gültekin 
2021Test Input Generation From Cause-Effect GraphsKavzak Ufuktepe, Deniz; Ayav, Tolga ; Belli, Fevzi 
Jun-2022Testing and Modeling Blast Loading of a Sandwich Structure Cored With a Bio-Inspired (balanus) CoreTüzgel, Fırat; Akbulut, Emine Fulya; Güzel, Erkan; Yücesoy, Atacan; Şahin, Selim; Taşdemirci, Alper ; Güden, Mustafa 
May-2008Testing Corrosion Rates on Steel Piping in Geothermal District Heatingİnce, Umut; Toksoy, Macit ; Güden, Mustafa 
2020Testing the Performance of Various Polymeric Antiscalants for Mitigation of Sb-Rich Precipitates Mimicking Stibnite-Based Geothermal DepositsÇiftçi, Celal; Karaburun, Emre; Tonkul, Serhat ; Baba, Alper ; Demir, Mustafa Muammer ; Yeşilnacar, Mehmet İrfan
Sep-2010Tevatron Higgs Mass Bounds: Projecting U(1)' Models To Lhc DomainSert, Hale; Cincioğlu, Elif; Demir, Durmuş Ali ; Solmaz, Levent
2024Textural, Rheological, Melting Properties, Particle Size Distribution, and Nmr Relaxometry of Cocoa Hazelnut Spread With Inulin-Stevia Addition as Sugar ReplacerBerk,B.; Cosar,S.; Mazı,B.G.; Oztop,M.H.
2011Texture Analysis of Polymer Modified Bitumen ImagesGümüştekin, Şevket ; Topal, Ali; Şengöz, Burak
May-2022Texture Evolution of Friction Stir-Processed Dual-Phase SteelAktarer, Semih Mahmut; Küçükömeroğlu, Tevfik; Davut, Kemal 
Mar-2018Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Conjugation of 1,6-Hexanedithiol on Mos2Gül, Aytaç; Bacaksız, Cihan; Ünsal, Emre; Akbalı, Barış; Tomak, Aysel ; Zareie, Hadi M.; Şahin, Hasan 
Apr-2007Theoretical and Experimental Investigations on Solar Distillation of Iztech Campus Area SeawaterAyav, Pınar İlker; Atagündüz, Gürbüz