Browsing by Journal Title Ocean Engineering

Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
15-Apr-2022Adaptation Measures for Seawalls To Withstand Sea-Level RiseKısacık, Doğan ; Tarakçioğlu, Gülizar Özyurt; Cappietti, Lorenzo
2017Compensating of Added Mass Terms in Dynamically Positioned Surface Vehicles: a Continuous Robust Control ApproachBıdıklı, Barış; Tatlıcıoğlu, Enver ; Zergeroğlu, Erkan
Dec-2018Effect of the Armor Crest Freeboard Relative To the Crown Wall Freeboard on Wave Overtopping for Simple Rubble Mound SlopesÖzbahçeci, Bergüzar ; Bilyay, Engin
2024Linear Wave Interaction by Multiple Vertical Cylinders of Non-Circular Smooth Cross-Section: an Iterative-Asymptotic ApproachDisibuyuk,N.B.; Yilmaz,O.
2021Periodic Disturbance Estimation Based Adaptive Robust Control of Marine VehiclesKurtoğlu, Deniz; Bıdıklı, Barış; Tatlıcıoğlu, Enver ; Zergeroğlu, Erkan
1-Feb-2016Robust Dynamic Positioning of Surface Vessels Via Multiple Unidirectional TugboatsBıdıklı, Barış; Tatlıcıoğlu, Enver ; Zergeroğlu, Erkan