Showing results 1 to 20 of 24
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
Jul-2019 | Distance Estimation in Tabletop Molecular Communication | Uzun, Emrehan |
2020 | Distance Estimation Methods for a Practical Macroscale Molecular Communication System | Güleç, Fatih ; Atakan, Barış |
2021 | A Droplet-Based Signal Reconstruction Approach To Channel Modeling in Molecular Communication | Güleç, Fatih ; Atakan, Barış |
Dec-2021 | Effects of Channel Errors on Coded Speech Communication in Software Defined Radio | Kagudde, Abbas |
Dec-2022 | Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on the Performance of Molecular Communications | Taşçı, Aslı |
2020 | Effects of Framing Errors on the Performance of Molecular Communications With Memory | Atakan, Barış ; Galmes, Sebastia |
Apr-2017 | Event Distortion Based Clustering Algorithm for Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks | Al-Qamaji, Ali Mudheher Raghib Kafi |
Nov-2021 | Event Distortion-Based Clustering Algorithm for Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks | Al-Qamaji, Ali; Atakan, Barış |
2022 | Event Distortion-Based Clustering Algorithm for Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks | Al-Qamaji, A.; Atakan, B. |
2021 | Fluid dynamics-based distance estimation algorithm for macroscale molecular communication | Güleç, Fatih ; Atakan, Barış |
May-2022 | Guest Editorial for Signal Processing Aspects of Molecular Communications | Atakan, Barış ; Galmés, Sebastià; Haselmayr, Werner; Farsad, Nariman; Nakano, Tadashi |
2020 | Localization of a Passive Molecular Transmitter With a Sensor Network | Güleç, Fatih ; Atakan, Barış |
Jun-2022 | Mobile human ad hoc networks: A communication engineering viewpoint on interhuman airborne pathogen transmission | Güleç, Fatih ; Atakan, Barış ; Dressler, Falko |
Jul-2021 | Modeling and Analysis of Molecular Signals in Multiscale Molecular Communication | Güleç, Fatih |
2021 | A Molecular Communication Perspective on Airborne Pathogen Transmission and Reception Via Droplets Generated by Coughing and Sneezing | Güleç, Fatih ; Atakan, Barış |
2014 | Molecular Communications and Nanonetworks: From Nature To Practical Systems | Atakan, Barış |
2017 | Moleküler haberleşmede moleküler bilginin tespiti ve tahmini | Atakan, Barış |
2022 | Moleküler Haberleşmede Sinyalin Yeniden Oluşturulması | Koda, Damla Yağmur; Güleç, Fatih ; Alaca, Ahmet; Atakan, Barış |
Nov-2017 | Multi-Copy Routing for Delay Tolerant Networks in Iztech | Dusenge, Babrah |
Jan-2014 | On Exploiting Sampling Jitter in Vehicular Sensor Networks | Atakan, Barış |