Browsing by Author Öz, Işıl

Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Adopting Heterogeneous Computing Modules: Experiences From a Touch Summer WorkshopBunde, D.P.; Ahmed, K.; Ayloo, S.; Brown-Gaines, T.; Fuentes, J.; Jatala, V.; Kurniawati, R.; Öz, Işıl 
2023Community Detection on Gpu: a Comprehensive Analysis, Unified Memory Enhancement, and Memory Access OptimizationDinçer, Emre
2022FTGPGPU - Genel amaçlı grafik işlemci birimi uygulamaları için donanım hatası toleransı analiziÖz, Işıl 
Jun-2018Locality-Aware Task Scheduling for Homogeneous Parallel Computing SystemsBhatti, Muhammad Khurram; Öz, Işıl ; Amin, Sarah; Mushtaq, Maria; Farooq, Umer; Popov, Konstantin; Brorsson, Mats
May-2022Performance and Accuracy Predictions of Approximation Methods for Shortest-Path Algorithms on GpusAktılav, Busenur; Öz, Işıl 
2023Performance-Reliability Tradeoff Analysis for Safety-Critical Systems With GpusSezgin, Yağızcan
2022Predicting the Soft Error Vulnerability of Gpgpu ApplicationsTopçu, Burak ; Öz, Işıl 
2021Predicting the Soft Error Vulnerability of Parallel Applications Using Machine LearningÖz, Işıl ; Arslan, Sanem
2024Quantitative Performance Analysis of Blas Libraries on Gpu ArchitecturesÖz, Işıl 
2022Regional Soft Error Vulnerability and Error Propagation Analysis for Gpgpu ApplicationsÖz, I. ; Karadaş, Ö.F.
2021Regional Soft Error Vulnerability and Error Propagation Analysis for Gpgpu ApplicationsÖz, Işıl ; Karadaş, Ömer Faruk
2019Regression-Based Prediction for Task-Based Program PerformanceÖz, Işıl ; Bhatti, Muhammad Khurram; Popov, Konstantin; Brorsson, Mats
2018Saydam Artıklı Çalıştırma için Vekil Tasarım Örüntüsü KullanımıÖz, Dündar; Öz, Sinan; Öz, Işıl 
Mar-2021Scalable Parallel Implementation of Migrating Birds Optimization for the Multi-Objective Task Allocation ProblemÖz, Dindar; Öz, Işıl 
2022Soft Error Vulnerability Prediction of Gpgpu ApplicationsTopçu, Burak ; Öz, Işıl 
May-2019A Survey on Multithreading Alternatives for Soft Error Fault ToleranceÖz, Işıl ; Arslan, Sanem
2019A User-Assisted Thread-Level Vulnerability Assessment ToolÖz, Işıl ; Topçuoğlu, Haluk Rahmi; Tosun, Oğuz