Browsing by Author Ahmetoğlu, Çekdar Vakıf

Showing results 1 to 20 of 41  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Closed Porosity Ceramics and GlassesVakıfahmetoğlu, Çekdar ; Semerci, Tuğçe; Soraru, Gian Domenico
Jul-2023Coating of La0.3sr0.7fe0.7cr0.3o3-Δ and La0.3ca0.7fe0.7cr0.3o3-Δ Cathode Layers on Gdc Ceramics by Electrospray Deposition (esd)Erğen, Emre
Jan-2023Cold Sintering as a Promising Isru Technique: a Case Study of Mars Regolith SimulantKaracasulu, Levent ; Karl, David; Gurlo, Aleksander; Ahmetoğlu, Çekdar Vakıf 
2023Cold Sintering Assisted Two-Step Sintering of Potassium Sodium Niobate (knn) CeramicsKaracasulu, Levent ; Ahmetoğlu, Çekdar Vakıf 
2020Cold Sintering of Ceramics and Glasses: a ReviewAhmetoğlu, Çekdar Vakıf ; Karacasulu, Levent 
2021Cold Sintering of Soda-Lime GlassKaracasulu, Levent ; Ögür, Ezgi; Pişkin, Cerem ; Vakıfahmetoğlu, Çekdar 
Jul-2021Comparison of Powder Synthesis Methods for the Production of Potassium Sodium Niobate (knn)Pişkin, Cerem 
Mar-2018Corrigendum To “hierarchically Porous Polymer Derived Ceramics: a Promising Platform for Multidrug Delivery Systems”[mater. Des. 140(supplement C) (2018) 37–44]Ahmetoğlu, Çekdar Vakıf ; Zeydanlı, Damla; Özalp, Veli Cengiz; Borsa, Barı Ata; Soraru, Gian Domenico
2023Design and Performance Comparison of Polymer-Derived Ceramic Ambigels and AerogelsSoraru, Gian Domenico; İçin, Öykü; Semerci, Tuğçe; Ahmetoğlu, Çekdar Vakıf 
2021Dye Removal by Polymer Derived Ceramic Nanobeadsİçin, Öykü; Ahmetoğlu, Çekdar Vakıf 
Feb-2022Effect of Fomes Fomentarius Cultivation Conditions on Its Adsorption Performance for Anionic and Cationic DyesHenning, Laura M.; Simon, Ulla; Abdullayev, Amanmyrat; Schmidt, Bertram; Pohl, Carsten; Nunez Guitar, Tamara; Ahmetoğlu, Çekdar Vakıf ; Meyer, Vera; Bekheet, Maged F.; Gurlo, Aleksander
2020Electrical Characteristics of Low Temperature Densified Barium TitanateKaracasulu, Levent ; Tokkan, Melike; Bortolotti, Mauro; Ischia, Gloria; Adem, Umut ; Ahmetoğlu, Çekdar Vakıf 
2021Enhanced Methylene Blue Removal Efficiency of Tio2 Embedded Porous GlassErtuş, E.Burak; Vakıfahmetoğlu, Çekdar ; Öztürk, Abdullah
Dec-2019Fabrication and Characterization of Ceramic Fibers From Preceramic PolymersÖzmen, Ecem
2023Formation of Monolithic Srtio3-Tio2 Ceramic Heterostructures by Reactive Hydrothermal SinteringKaracasulu, Levent ; Kartal, Uğur ; İçin, Öykü; Bortolotti, Mauro; Biesuz, Mattia; Ahmetoğlu, Çekdar Vakıf 
Jul-2021Formation of Srtio3[tio2] Ceramic Composites at Low TemperaturesKarataş, Esin 
Feb-2018Hierarchically Porous Polymer Derived Ceramics: a Promising Platform for Multidrug Delivery SystemsVakıfahmetoğlu, Çekdar ; Zeydanlı, Damla; Özalp, Veli Cengiz; Borsa, Barış Ata; Soraru, Gian Domenico
2020Hot Air Permeable Preceramic Polymer Derived Reticulated Ceramic Foamsde Mello Innocentini, Murilo Daniel; Marsola, Gabriel Antonio; Orlandi Lasso, Paulo Renato; Soraru, Gian Domenico; Semerci, Tuğçe; Vakıfahmetoğlu, Çekdar 
Jun-2022Hydrothermal Synthesis of Potassium–sodium Niobate PowdersPişkin, Cerem ; Karacasulu, Levent ; Ischia, Gloria; Bortolotti, Mauro; Ahmetoğlu, Çekdar Vakıf 
2023Magnesium-Ion Battery Anode From Polymer-Derived Sioc NanobeadsGuo, Wuqi; Kober, Delf; Gurlo, Aleksander; Bekheet, Maged F.; İçin, Öykü; Ahmetoğlu, Çekdar Vakıf