Showing results 1 to 20 of 28
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
Dec-2016 | 3d-Printed Multiprobe Analysis System for Solar Fuel Research; Design, Fabrication and Testing | Harmanlı, İpek |
2018 | Binder Effect on Electrochemical Performance of Zinc Electrodes for Nickel-Zinc Batteries | Ebil, Özgenç ; Cihanoğlu, Gizem |
2023 | Chemical Vapor Deposited Reusable Fluorescent Thin Film Sensor Nanoprobes for the Detection of Heavy Metal Ions | Karabıyık, Merve |
Feb-2023 | Cvd Deposited Epoxy Copolymers as Protective Coatings for Optical Surfaces | Karabıyık, Merve ; Cihanoğlu, Gizem ; Ebil, Özgenç |
4-Feb-2022 | Cvd-Deposited Oxygen-Selective Fluorinated Siloxane Copolymers as Gas Diffusion Layers | Cihanoğlu, Gizem ; Ebil, Özgenç |
Jul-2022 | Design and Techno-Economic Analysis of a Smart Solar Greenhouse | İçöz, Didem |
Aug-2024 | Development of Carbon-Free Zinc-Air Batteries | Belet, Yunus Emre |
Jul-2016 | Development of protective nano-coatings for electro-optical systems | Karabıyık, Merve |
Jul-2017 | Effects of Grid Design on Lead-Acid Battery Performance | İşler, Tuğçe |
Dec-2021 | Electrochemical and Oxygen/Water Permeation Behavior of Fluorinated Siloxane Copolymers Synthesized Via Initiated Chemical Vapor Deposition | Cihanoğlu, Gizem |
2017 | Elektro-optik Sistemler için Koruyucu Nano Kaplamaların Geliştirilmesi | Ebil, Özgenç |
Dec-2017 | Experimental and Computational Investigation of Transport Phenomena in Initiated Chemical Vapor Deposition (icvd) Process | Ateş, Selcan |
Dec-2016 | Fabrication of Polymeric Nano-Coatings Via Chemical Vapor Deposition | Kırköse, Sema |
Mar-2022 | Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems for Fuel Stations: a Complete Techno-Economic Analysis | Kılınç, Mehmet Emin |
Jul-2014 | An Investigation of Electrochemical Stability of Zinc Electrodes for Battery Applications | Payer, Gizem |
Jan-2016 | Modelling and Simulation of Zinc Based Batteries | Toptop, Evren |
Sep-2022 | Polymer-Bonded Cdte Quantum Dot-Nitroxide Radical Nanoprobes for Fluorescent Sensors | Karabıyık, Merve ; Ebil, Özgenç |
1999 | Preparation and Characterization of Polymer-Zeolite Composite Membranes | Ebil, Özgenç |
2001 | Quasi-Static and Dynamic Crushing of Empty and Foam-Filled Tubes | Hall, Ian W.; Ebil, Özgenç ; Güden, Mustafa ; Yu, C.-J. |
Jul-2023 | Recovery of Lithium From Aqueous System Using Manganese Oxide Adsorbent With Developed Electrospun Mat Substrate | Akgün, Berk |