Browsing by Author Dönmez, Cemalettin

Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015A Case Study for Seismic Assessment and Restoration of Historic Buildings: the Arditi ResidenceDönmez, Cemalettin ; Erberik, Murat Altuğ
2009Consistency Analysis of Kalman Filter for Modal Analysis of StructuresTanyer, İlker; Özen, Serdar ; Dönmez, Cemalettin ; Altınkaya, Mustafa Aziz 
Jul-2013Effect of Infill Walls on the Drift Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Frames Subjected To Lateral-Load ReversalsDönmez, Cemalettin ; Çankaya, Mehmet Alper
2022Fragility Analysis of Wide-Beam Infill-Joist Block Rc FramesDönmez, Cemalettin ; Karaarslan, Enes; Erberik, Murat Altuğ
2009Köprülerde Deneysel Modal Analiz UygulamalarıDönmez, Cemalettin ; Karakan, Eyyüb
Jun-2020Manipulation of Structural Design Parameters To Mitigate the Concentrarion of Interstory Drift RatiosSönmez, Egemen
May-2010Mechanical Behavior of Polypropylene-Based Honeycomb-Core Composite Sandwich StructuresSezgin, Fatma Erinç; Tanoğlu, Metin ; Eğilmez, Oğuz Özgür ; Dönmez, Cemalettin 
2010Modal deney yöntemi ile betonarme yapılarda taşıyıcı çerçeve bölme duvar etkileşiminin incelenmesiDönmez, Cemalettin ; Altınkaya, Mustafa Aziz ; Aktaş, Engin ; Özen, Serdar 
2010Moment aktaran mevcut çelik çerçeve kiriş kolon birleşimlerinin deprem davranışlarının cam elyaf takviyeli kompozit malzemeler kullanılarak geliştirilmesiEğilmez, Oğuz Özgür ; Dönmez, Cemalettin ; Tanoğlu, Metin 
May-2007Numerical Model for Biaxial Earthquake Response of Reinforced ConcreteDönmez, Cemalettin ; Sözen, Mete A.
2021Performance of Structures in Izmir After the Samos Island EarthquakeYakut, Ahmet; Sucuoğlu, Haluk; Binici, Barış; Canbay, Erdem; Dönmez, Cemalettin ; İlki, Alper; Caner, Alp
2022Performance of Structures in İzmir After the Samos Island EarthquakeYakut, A.; Sucuoğlu, H.; Binici, B.; Canbay, E.; Donmez, C. ; İlki, A.; Caner, A.
2024Quantitative Evaluation of the Damage To Rc Buildings Caused by the 2023 Southeast Turkey Earthquake SequencePujol, Santiago; Bedirhanoğlu, İdris; Dönmez, Cemalettin ; Dowgala, Jeffrey D.; Eryılmaz Yıldırım, Meltem; Klaboe, Kari; Köroğlu, Fahri Baran; Lequesne, Rémy D.; Öztürk, Baki; Pledger, Liam; Sönmez, Egemen
Dec-2020Seismic Analysis of an Ancient Lighthouse by Meso-Scale Modeling TechniqueGözün, Safiyullah Üveys
Feb-2015Seismic Performance of Wide-Beam Infill-Joist Block Rc Frames in TurkeyDönmez, Cemalettin 
2023Structural Design of Rc Structures From Sustainable Development PerspectiveGültepe, Ekin
2020A Study on Mitigation of Interstory Drift Concentrations in Reinforced Concrete Frames Under Earthquake DemandsSönmez, Egemen; Dönmez, Cemalettin