Showing results 1 to 20 of 47
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2004 | 3-D Switching Fabric Node Design | Dinleyici, Mehmet Salih ; Akın, Osman |
2005 | All Optical Switching Via Diffraction Grating Formed by Interference of Gaussian Beams | Akın, Osman |
2002 | All-Optical Switching Based on Grating Written Photorefractive Slab/Fiber Waveguide Coupler | Dinleyici, Mehmet Salih |
2010 | An All-Optical Switching Based on Resonance Breaking With a Transient Grating | Akın, Osman; Dinleyici, Mehmet Salih |
2004 | An Alternative Approach To Free Space Optical Communication Link | Karatay, Okan |
Nov-1998 | Calculation of the Wavelength Filter Properties of the Fiber-Slab Waveguide Structure Using Vector Mode Expansion | Dinleyici, Mehmet Salih ; Patterson, David B. |
Oct-2011 | Characterization and Estimation of Refractive Index Profile of Laser-Written Photopolymer Optical Waveguides | Dinleyici, Mehmet Salih ; Sümer, Can |
Mar-2014 | Demonstration of Pulse Controlled All-Optical Switch/Modulator | Akın, Osman; Dinleyici, Mehmet Salih |
Jul-2014 | Design and Fabrication of a Fiber-Integrated Mode-Selective Photopolymer Grating Coupler | Sümer, Can |
Aug-2015 | Design of Dual-Mode Dual-Band Photonic Crystal Bandpass Filters for Terahertz Communication Applications | Karakılınç, Özgür Önder; Dinleyici, Mehmet Salih |
2000 | Device length requirement in slab/fiber evanescent coupler | Dinleyici, Mehmet Salih |
2004 | Düşük Maliyetli Serbest-uzay Optik İletişim Sistemi Tasarımı | Karatay, Okan; Dinleyici, Mehmet Salih |
2023 | Enhancing Thickness Determination of Nanoscale Dielectric Films in Phase Diffraction-Based Optical Characterization Systems With Radial Basis Function Neural Networks | Ataç, Enes; Karatay, Anıl ; Dinleyici, Mehmet Salih |
Mar-2023 | Experimental Demonstration of a Transient Grating Controlled All-Optical Switch | Akın, Osman; Dinleyici, Mehmet Salih |
Jan-2003 | An Experimental Work on Optical Component Based on D-fiber/Slab Evanescent Coupling Structure | Dinleyici, Mehmet Salih |
May-2016 | Exploiting Second Harmonic Generation for Microelectronics Interface Characterization | Soylu, Gizem |
2013 | A Fiber-Integrated Optical Component Fabricated Via Photopolymerization: Mode-Selective Grating Coupler | Sümer, Can; Dinleyici, Mehmet Salih |
2015 | Fotopolimerizasyon yöntemi ile fibere entegre yüksek verimli mod-seçici ızgara bağdaştırıcı üretimi | Dinleyici, Mehmet Salih |
2023 | Görgül kip ayrıştırması kullanılarak optik faz kırınımında hassasiyet iyileştirilmesi | Ataç, Enes; Dinleyici, Mehmet Salih |
2020 | Graded-Index Optical Fiber Transverse-Spatial Entanglement | Ekici, Çağın ; Dinleyici, Mehmet Salih |